About us

We are a group of 50 plus men living what you are living. The programs and networks were created because there was nothing out there that was real and achieveable. Every moment caught was live unscripted and aimed at helping you get through one of the most challenging periods of a man's life.

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Laughter at 50+ is the best medicine. The training and networks all push the love of laughter. Don't take everything to seriously.


Making sure you are having fun at every chance at 50+ is essential. Look at life like a game and everyone in the game should be having fun.

"I thought I was alone but found others!"

- James Tardo

50+ Man

"I learned so much in so little time"

- Rubin James

Business Owner

"It really makes you think and act like a Man!"

- Todd Ward


Watch the webinar, 10 activities to instantly change your life.

Men's Over 50 Programs For Transformation

30 Day Transformation

Our flagship online training program where you will spend 4 weeks on a journey towards creating a healthier mind, body, better eating habits, fitness levels, and a new way to approach the best years of our life.

Create The Calm

This is a 7 day intensive online program focusing on calming the mind and body. Together we focus on getting back to zero and finding a calm starting point to move on with life.