50+ Men

Free Training:



Ready to transform your life? Join our FREE training program to help you give up alcohol. Learn from another 50 plus man meeting the challenges of socialising, going to functions and living life in a world soaked to the core with alcohol. It's time to get back to clarity!

"I thought I was alone but found others!"

- James Tardo


"I learned so much in so little time"

- Rubin James


"It really makes you think and act like a Man!"

- Todd Ward



  • Feeling Stuck in the Same Routine? Does your daily grind feel monotonous, lacking the excitement and fulfillment you crave? Break free from the shackles of routine and embrace a vibrant, purpose-driven life.

  • Struggling to Find Motivation? Has your enthusiasm waned, making it challenging to muster the energy for new challenges? Discover the keys to reigniting your motivation and awakening a renewed zest for life.
  • Seeking a Transformation in Your 50s and Beyond Are you ready to rewrite the script of your life, transforming the second half into a period of profound growth, joy, and accomplishment? Secure your spot for our upcoming webinar – your gateway to a life of Power, Purpose, and Possibility.
  • Yearning for Better Health and Vitality? Is your health taking a back seat amid the demands of work and family life? Unlock the secrets to reclaiming your vitality, physical strength, and overall well-being.
  • Craving Meaningful Connections? Do you find yourself yearning for deeper connections with loved ones and the world around you? Explore strategies to build meaningful relationships that enrich your life.
  • Ready to Redefine Your Purpose? Have you reached a point where you're questioning your life's purpose and what truly matters? Join us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and redefine your path with clarity and purpose.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this FREE training is made for YOU!